Redefining Aortic
Dissection Treatment
Corporate overview
Intressa Vascular is committed to providing innovative solutions to address life-threatening
cardiovascular conditions such as aortic dissection.
cardiovascular conditions such as aortic dissection.

The Allay® Aortic Stent
The Allay® Aortic Stent with multilayer braiding technology is the only treatment for Type B aortic dissections (TBAD) and residual dissections designed to recentralize blood flow inside the true lumen while preserving branch perfusion, via a streamlined procedure with a low risk of complications1.
1. Costache, et al. J Endovasc Ther. 2021;28(1) 20-31.
For more information on Intressa Vascular or the Allay Aortic Stent, please provide your contact information.