Terms of Use

Full contact details

The holder of this website is:
Intressa Vascular SA, 3 rue Jules Poskin
B-5032 Isnes, Belgium
E-mail: info@intressavascular.com
Tel: +32 81 719941
VAT: BE 0462.587.258
Company no.: 00462587258/RPM Namur
SIREN: 504-321-472/SIRET: 504-321-472 00012
Site hosted by: ID First
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Legal Information

General Information

These conditions of use apply to Intressa Vascular website. This website is created by ID First and is managed by Intressa Vascular. The user of this website commits to the respect and the acceptance of the conditions of use.

Unauthorized Use of this Website

Hereby, you undertake in particular :

  • not to use information illegally;
  • not to use this website for transmission or deposit of computer viruses, just as for the transmission or deposit of obscene, threatening or offensive matter;
  • not to use this website in such a manner that it is damaged, distorted, discontinued, whether it is terminated or is in one way or another made less effective; not to use this website in such a way that it undermines the rights of an individual entity, a legal entity or an association such that, in particular, without however being exhaustive, the rights related to the respect of private life and intellectual property laws;
  • not to use this website for posting and transmission of promotional or advertising matter, without having asked prior approval of it to Intressa Vascular.

Responsibility of Intressa Vascular

Information available on the website

The information, software, products and services (“information”) offered on this website can contain imperfections of any kind. Intressa Vascular cannot be held liable for the adequate, reliable, meticulous or convenient nature of this information. Such information is provided and disseminated without any form of guarantee. Intressa Vascular cannot in the same way be liable for possible viruses insofar as those intervene despite precautionary measures taken. Intressa Vascular expressly reserves the right to modify at any time the information available on this site.

Links towards other websites

This website can contain hyperlinks towards other websites or web pages of third parties, as well as towards other parties, or refer to them in any manner. Intressa Vascular does not have authority as for the contents or the other characteristics of these websites and these web pages and can in no case be held liable for the contents or the characteristics of these sites and these pages. The placement of links by Intressa Vascular does not suppose to in any case an implicit approval of the contents of these websites or these web pages.

Applicable legislation and courts of competent jurisdiction

The Belgian legislation applies to this website. In the event of litigations, only the courts of Namur are competent.

Intellectual property

Unless with the prior approval, the texts, illustrations, photographs, films, images, data, data banks, software, patents, names, trade names and domain names, brands, logos and other elements of this site are protected by intellectual property laws and belong to Intressa Vascular or to third parties. It is completely prohibited, unless for prior written agreement of Intressa Vascular, to store (other than to be able to consult this website), to reproduce, modify, publish, distribute, send, sell or otherwise dispose in any other manner of information offered on this website, just as to grant its rights to third parties.
